27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (2024)

Your mission statement is your brand’s cornerstone, outlining its reason for existing and influencing your company culture and decision-making.

Its message should connect and resonate with your audience using only a few words or sentences.

Crafting a good mission statement can be challenging, but we’ll teach you how.

We’ll walk you through the basics of writing a mission statement and share some examples from top brands around the world.

By the end, you’ll have a solid foundation (and plenty of confidence) to write your own.

In this article, we break down:

#cta-visual-pb#<cta-title>Showcase your mission on every page<cta-title>Use Shogun Page Builder to create a website that embodies your mission.Start building for free

What is a mission statement?

At its core, your mission statement publicly conveys your company’s purpose.

It encompasses your primary function and goals, and it usually explains the motivations behind it and the actions that follow.

After reading your mission statement, consumers should understand what you do, why you do it, and how your company pursues its stated mission.

The importance of a clear mission statement

A great mission statement goes beyond simply articulating your motives and aims; it acts as the foundation of your organization.

This statement can be a directive, ensuring your decisions align with your business’s beliefs.

Additionally, it can enormously benefit and influence two critical stakeholders in your company: the customer and the employee.

Employees value a purpose-driven workplace

Gallup reports that 46% of the full-time workforce is now composed of Gen Zers and Millennials.

They also found these workers value ethics, transparency, diversity, and inclusivity in an employer’s leadership.

Besides strong morals, Gen Zers and Millennials also want their work to leave a positive impact on people and the world.

Although your company’s mission statement can help communicate these values, you, of course, have to put them into practice.

Being purpose-driven attracts strong consumer support

Modern-day consumers are more responsible when choosing businesses to support.

Their decisions consider characteristics like sustainability or your company’s charitable work. Allowing these ethical objectives to drive your business activities can bridge the gap between you and your customers.

Zeno’s 2020 Strength of Purpose Study evaluated more than 75 brands and revealed consumers across the globe who perceive you to be a company with a strongly driven purpose are:

  • Four times more likely to purchase from you
  • Six times more likely to defend you despite any faults or public disapproval
  • 4.5 times more likely to endorse and mention you to family and friends
  • 4.1 times more likely to trust you

These statistics highlight the relationship between your organization’s purpose and potential performance.

However, keep in mind your efforts must be authentic, and conveying sincerity through your mission statement is a must.

Doing so can produce a more robust brand reputation and affect your business’s bottom line and long-term success.

Mission statement vs. vision statement

Be aware that a mission statement is different from a vision statement.

Essentially, your vision expresses your business’s long-term aspirations—typically spanning a period of five, 10, or more years—as you go about pursuing your mission.

It gives people an idea of where you want your company to be or the impact you want to leave once you’ve achieved those goals.

Your mission, meanwhile, focuses more on what’s actionable—namely, your who, what, and why.

It’s built around your reason for starting a company in the first place and can also serve as the basis of your vision.

For example, imagine your business sells comfort food made from homegrown, healthy recipes. However, you also desire to become a massive restaurant chain.

Your mission and vision could look like this:

  • Mission: We’re committed to showing customers that homegrown comfort food can be not only enjoyable but also healthy.
  • Vision: To be one of the top 10 health-oriented restaurant chains across the United States.

How to write an excellent mission statement to guide your brand

With all the basics covered, it’s time to start crafting your mission statement. Here are some tips that’ll simplify the process.

What to include in your mission statement

First, consider what your mission will contain. Make sure you factor in these elements:

  1. Purpose: This is your “why”—your reason for starting a business. You can begin by writing a short sentence describing this and who you are.
  2. Core values: Make a list of what you stand for or the ideals you want your company to represent.
  3. Products and services: Your offering embodies what you do. Identify what customer problems they solve and whether or not they align with your purpose and values.
  4. Audience: Who are you selling to or hoping to help? Make sure your mission statement resonates with their experiences.
  5. Key differentiators: Standing out is vital when building your company and brand. What sets you apart from your competition?
  6. Brand goals: Think about the lasting impression you want to leave with your customers or the world at large. That can help you pinpoint your mission.

After settling the above attributes, you can begin writing a concise message encapsulating them.

Try to keep your draft short (i.e., a sentence or two) and remember to consult your team; before finalizing it, make sure they also believe in the statement.

How long should your mission statement be?

The answer to this question is subjective, with no universally correct answer.

Lots of brands convey their mission statements in 50 words or less. Typically though, we recommend keeping it shorter than 100 words.

What to avoid in your mission statement

Additionally, there are certain caveats you should pay attention to when honing your company’s mission:

  • Don’t make it long and tedious. An intricate statement should communicate your purpose concisely and capture your audience’s interest.
  • Avoid jargon and use simple language. Including industry-specific or technical terms in your message can alienate the people you want to reach.
  • Don’t be generic or use clichés. Being unique is crucial to brand building, and you also want your mission to compel your team to act. Forego bland and trite phrases.

How to make your mission statement go the extra mile

Your mission is more than a compulsory statement included in your employee onboarding or, for your audience, displayed on your website.

Inject it with extra personality so people feel compelled to work with you or support your efforts and leave feeling proud.

To achieve this, you can:

  • Have a core ethos. Focus on a fundamental belief that can shape your company’s culture and how it conducts itself when interacting with the world.
  • Use engaging media. A video providing a visual representation of your mission can help it resonate more strongly with your employees and audience.
  • Provide a constant reminder. Sending your staff a small item like a mug, poster, or mousepad for their workstation can help them stay focused on what your business stands for.
  • Back it up. Be prepared to follow through on your claims. If your mission is founded on using sustainable materials, for example, you could complement it with philanthropic endeavors involving different communities.

#cta-visual-pb#<cta-title>Showcase your mission on every page<cta-title>Use Shogun Page Builder to create a website that embodies your mission.Start building for free

27 Mission statement examples to inspire your own

To help create your own, we’ve collected the following mission statements to provide inspiration. They’re from brands all over the world, some of whom are leaders in their respective industries.

Note: Unless stated otherwise, all screenshots are taken from their respective brand’s websites.

Top mission statements from big-name brands

The biggest brands out there are guided by equally big missions, stated in the most exciting yet simple terms.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (1)

Nike’s mission is simple: to “bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world” (their statement also defines anyone with a body as an athlete).

The company visibly carries this out through partnerships with world-class athletes, their top-tier apparel, and the promotion of an active lifestyle.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (2)

Amazon strives to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, Earth’s best employer, and Earth’s safest place to work.”

Four core beliefs guide this mission:

  1. Customer obsession over competitor focus
  2. A passion for invention
  3. A commitment to operational excellence
  4. Long-term thinking

The company’s efforts are on full display through their ecommerce operations, as well as their forays into technology, entertainment, and environmental initiatives like The Climate Pledge.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (3)

Tesla conveys their mission through a brief statement:

“…to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”

With every new electric vehicle the company produces, they continue to prove “it can be better, quicker and more fun to drive than gasoline cars.”


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (4)

Apple’s mission, which CEO Tim Cook first expressed in 2018, focuses on “bringing the best user experience to [their] customers through innovative hardware, software, and services.”

The company pursues this relentlessly, demonstrated in every new product launch.

Currently, Apple emphasizes ethics and compliance, with Cook stating, “We do the right thing, even when it’s not easy.”

Their business conduct policy enforces this commitment, along with initiatives for:

  • Accessibility
  • Education
  • The environment
  • And more


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (5)

Coca-Cola conveys their mission with only six words:

“Refresh the world. Make a difference.”

The company achieves this through the beverages they sell globally, as well as through their sustainability initiatives and social programs like:

  • Using eco-friendly packaging
  • Improving community access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene
  • Female empowerment
  • And more


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (6)

The ecommerce giant’s mission is summed up with the statement:

“Making commerce better for everyone.”

That’s exactly what they do, allowing people to start, run, and grow their own businesses easily.

Best small business mission statements

The mission statements below come from small businesses, where you can find words of inspiration, encouragement, and vision.

Barebones Living

27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (7)

This purpose-driven brand “is about what feeds you. Literally. Figuratively. Soulfully.”

Barebones Living concretely displays their mission through their focus on outdoor and nature-centered experiences and philanthropic work.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (8)

Nomad’s belief that “the smartphone is the 21st century equivalent of the sword” serves as their mission’s foundation.

Namely, the brand aspires to “build products to ensure that your smartphone is there whenever you need it.”

The company’s core values of “world-class materials, durability, and attention to detail” further enforce this commitment.

Copper Cow Coffee

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Copper Cow Coffee, a sustainable coffee brand, is driven to:

“…make high-quality Vietnamese coffee accessible to everyone by using 100% natural ingredients for cafe quality lattes that anyone can make at home.”

Their selection of products and customizable packages make this pursuit a reality.

Learn more about their mission and how the customer is central to how they run their business.

Mission statements that highlight sustainability and social impact

The mission statements below were singled out for their focus on sustainability and social impact, highlighting care for the environment, earth, and a sustainable future.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (10)

PANGAIA is a DTC materials science company whose existence is summed up as:

“Designing an Earth-positive future, together.”

They do so by “bringing breakthrough textile innovations and patents into the world through everyday lifestyle products.”

Moreover, their products are made to “solve an environmental problem of the fashion/apparel & nature industry.”


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (11)

Patagonia breaks up their mission into four core values that “reflect those of a business started by a band of climbers and surfers, and the minimalist style they promoted.”

These pillars are:

  1. Build the best product: The brand places functional, repairable, and durable products at the forefront of their priorities.
  2. Cause no unnecessary harm: Patagonia adopts ethical and sustainable business practices where able and shares their insights to reduce their carbon footprint.
  3. Use business to protect nature: They strive to fix any environmental problems they discover.
  4. Not bound by convention: Patagonia owes their success to having fun while finding new ways to explore and appreciate the world.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (12)

This beauty brand with Ayurvedic roots centers their mission around sustainability.

Aveda’s commitment is “to care for the world we live in, from the products we make to the ways in which we give back to society.”

The company pursues this lofty goal in multiple ways, including creating 100% vegan products, breast cancer research initiatives, and using responsible packaging.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (13)

REI clearly communicates their “purpose is to awaken a lifelong love of the outdoors, for all.”

The co-op is built on their belief that “it’s in the wild, untamed and natural places that we find our best selves.”

They back up their words with their massive range of outdoor equipment, their prioritization of purpose over profit, and initiatives such as:

  • Prompting Congress to act on climate, equity, and conservation issues
  • Giving back over half of their profits to employees, members, and nonprofit partners

Mission statements from top retailers and wholesalers

These mission statements come from the top retailers and household names most consumers are familiar with. You’ll find plenty of focus on lifestyle, quality, and choice.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (14)

Walmart’s mission statement, to “help[…] people save money and live better,” is concise yet impactful.

It’s the core of the overall retail and ecommerce experience that the company provides their consumers.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (15)

Target delivers their mission in a straightforward manner:

“To help all families discover the joy of everyday life.”

The retail giant follows through on this commitment by providing all customers a fun and easy shopping experience at their stores.


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This bulk store’s simple mission is:

“…to continually provide members with quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices.”

Costco follows through with their selection of foods, beverages, and household essentials available at extremely affordable wholesale costs.


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IKEA’s business mission hones in on the company’s key function:

“…to offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.”

They embody this statement in their wide range of furniture and home essentials.

Additionally, their mission is built on and exemplifies the company’s vision “to create a better everyday life for the many people.”

Mission statements from food and beverage brands

The mission statements below come from food and beverage brands, rightfully highlighting health and sustainability.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (18)

Starbucks aims “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.”

That intent can easily be observed in the company’s offerings, their store setup, and their plentiful coffeehouse locations.

Ben & Jerry’s

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Founded on the concept of linked prosperity, the ice cream brand’s overall mission is separated into three distinct parts:

  1. Product: “To make, distribute, and sell the finest-quality ice cream and euphoric concoctions,” which pushes Ben & Jerry’s to produce top-tier products.
  2. Economic: “To operate the company on a sustainable financial basis of profitable growth,” which also aims to positively impact company stakeholders and employees.
  3. Social: This aspect focuses on making the world a better place “by initiating innovative ways to improve the quality of life locally, nationally, and internationally.” This shows that the company is willing to invest in the communities they serve.

Mission statements from sports and fitness brands

These mission statements are from sports and fitness brands that showcase the benefits of an active lifestyle on life, health, and community.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (20)

Adidas communicates their business motivation in two parts—their purpose and mission:

  1. Purpose: “Through sport, we have the power to change lives,” which is what drives the company’s mission.
  2. Mission: “To be the best sports brand in the world,” which Adidas pursues through their best-in-class apparel, partner athletes, and endorsem*nt of physically active lifestyles.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (21)

Lululemon effectively communicates their purpose in only 10 words.

“We elevate human potential by helping people feel their best.”

The brand follows through by delivering superb fitness products and experiences and advocating for the care of one’s well-being.

Under Armour

27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (22)

This major sports brand’s mission is “to make all athletes better through passion, design, and the relentless pursuit of innovation.”

They hold themselves accountable by ensuring new developments—such as softer and more durable fabric—for each apparel release.

The brand also stands firm on their core values, which they used as the basis of their foundation:

  • Love athletes
  • Celebrate the wins
  • Stand for equality
  • Act sustainably
  • Fight on together


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (23)

Peloton’s mission is to use “technology and design to connect the world through fitness, empowering people to be the best version of themselves anywhere, anytime.”

The company’s offerings of high-tech bikes, treadmills, apps, and other products are built around this goal.

Mission statements from fashion, beauty, and luxury brands

These mission statements come from the giants of the fashion and beauty brands. They exude style, personality, and luxury.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (24)

This fashion retailer works to “deliver the best possible shopping experience, helping our customers express their style—not just buy fashion.”

To fulfill that promise, Nordstrom provides a wide selection of clothing, bags, shoes, and more.

They also regularly expand their offerings from other brands, all while constantly improving customer service across their ecommerce and hundreds of store locations.


27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (25)

Zappos’ five-word mission, “to live and deliver WOW,” was built on the company’s Four C’s:

  1. Commerce
  2. Customer Service
  3. Company Culture
  4. Community

Their mission and values take form via Zappos’ growing selection of shoes, clothing, handbags, accessories, and more.

The retailer also manifests this philosophy through their employees, who are taught to always prioritize the customer experience, and the superb service they are known to provide consumers.

According to their website, they were one of the first retailers to offer free next-day shipping, free returns, and even a 365-day return policy.


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Sephora, an omnichannel beauty retailer, aspires “to create a welcoming beauty shopping experience for all and inspire fearlessness in our community.”

They live out this commitment through their thousands of global stores and their world-class ecommerce site.

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The brand also has a separate mission devoted to diversity and inclusion:

“To never stop championing all beauty fearlessly and building inclusive environments for our employees, consumers, and communities.”

To embody this in their actions, they’ve pledged a percentage of their assortment to diverse founders and championed a study on racial bias in retail.

Louis Vuitton (LVMH)

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The Louis Vuitton (LVMH) group strives to drive “long-term momentum to develop its 75 Maisons, respecting their distinctive identities.”

Bernard Arnault, the group’s co-founder, asserts the Maisons “are all ambassadors of our vision of a refined art de vivre.”

The luxury brand’s mission is “marked by creative momentum and a constant quest for excellence” and fuels each of their Houses.

It’s evident in every store, brand name, and experience the group provides, placing sophistication and elegance at the forefront.

Brand missions are built on values

A well-honed and ethically influenced mission statement can noticeably impact your customer base—and your bottom line.

You’ve seen how companies around the world build their purpose on powerful beliefs.

To follow in their footsteps, embrace the elements and components we’ve discussed and borrow some ideas from our list of examples.

Soon enough, you’ll have a strong mission statement that exemplifies your brand’s values.

You’ll then be able to connect with your stakeholders—from your employees to your customers—and unify your entire organization’s endeavors behind a purpose that everyone can feel proud of.

#cta-visual-pb#<cta-title>Showcase your mission on every page<cta-title>Use Shogun Page Builder to create a website that embodies your mission.Start building for free

27 Ecommerce Mission Statement Examples to Inspire You (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.