How to Run a Subscription-Based Legal Practice | Clio (2024)

Too often, legal practices struggle to find great clients and generate consistent revenue. Many times, they work hard for the clients they do find, and don’t get paid for all the hours they’ve put in. According to Clio’s 2021 Legal Trends Report, 16% of billable hours don’t even get invoiced, and 11% of the hours that do get invoiced don’t get paid.

Early in her career, Kimberly Bennett, an Atlanta-based trademark and business strategy attorney, lost money from these kinds of pain points—and it made her rethink the whole process.

“Losing that money was the biggest push to say this doesn’t work,” Kim, founder of the subscription-based, virtual law firm, K Bennett Law, said back at the 2018 Clio Cloud Conference. “Clients weren’t happy, and I surely wasn’t happy, so I needed to figure out a better way to work with clients that didn’t sit on me saying that my value is based on the amount of time that I’m spending with you.”

Initially, Kim envisioned the kind of practice she wanted to design, but didn’t know what to call it: “I didn’t have a great name for it … I wasn’t there yet to understanding what I was doing would be called legal subscription services. I just was like, ‘Do it like this and see what happens.’ People started taking to it, and I thought, ‘Oh, this is great.’ So, I was building it out, and that led me here.”

What are monthly legal subscription services?

A subscription-based law firm offers clients legal services for a recurring, flat monthly fee. Clients “subscribe” to a legal services plan. Depending on the firm and plans available, clients benefit from services such as unlimited legal advice, document review, and business planning.

Legal subscription services build an ongoing relationship between the client and lawyer—without clients having to hire a full-time attorney. “It provides a better service for the client,” Kim explained. “The idea of the subscription is for people to be able to grow.”

Can monthly legal services really be accepted?

How to Run a Subscription-Based Legal Practice | Clio (1)

Nowadays, subscriptions are everywhere. From getting your daily dose of television with media streaming plans like Netflix to weekly meal-prep ingredients waiting at your doorstep—more and more businesses are using subscription models to give customers ongoing, reliable products.

​​But are legal subscription services possible as well?

According to the data, they are—though there is still a way to go until monthly legal services become the industry standard.

A path of innovative legal billing could lead to standardizing monthly legal services

Americans were already looking for traditional law firm alternatives in 2018, according to a Harris Poll survey on behalf of Your Lawyers Online. Almost 1 in 7 adults “say they would be willing to use online legal services if it would save them money,” reported the companies in a press release. They shared that people under 55, who are parents, with household incomes of less than $100,000 are the likeliest to agree with this statement.

In 2019, 96% of respondents to an Altman Weil survey said some percentage of their firm’s legal fees are generated through non-hourly pricing. However, hourly billing still drove most of the firms’ revenue. Only 13% said that 21% or more of their revenue is generated through non-hourly pricing.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic transformed how everyday people, businesses, and courts operate in the world. In addition, it led to financial difficulties for people who haven’t previously experienced them and worsened financial challenges for people who have.

By 2021, 79% of participants in Clio’s 2021 Legal Trends Report said the ability to work remotely with a lawyer positively influenced their legal hiring decisions. Simultaneously, lawyers continued innovating their practices. Approximately 60% of survey respondents told Canadian Lawyer that they now offer fee packages, bundles, or blended hourly rates.

Staying open to change, flexible client-centered services, and technological solutions have been critical to firms’ resilience and success, as revealed in Clio’s 2021 Legal Trends Report.

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Types of monthly legal services that subscription-based law firms can offer

Below are multiple examples of monthly legal services companies can offer as they transition into subscription-based law firms.

  • Schedule unlimited or regular calls with an attorney. Some clients will benefit from weekly, monthly or quarterly reviews. Others need to know they can simply pick up the phone when they need you. The more premium your monthly legal services, the more access clients will likely expect.
  • Book a meeting with a lawyer faster. If a law firm is large enough, it can ensure there will always be a same-day response from an experienced attorney, although it might not be the same lawyer each time. To make this profitable, a law firm would either need to charge a higher price for its monthly legal services, or opt to increase the reach and scale of its low cost subscription plans.
  • Gain access to templates of legal documents that you can customize to your needs. This is especially helpful for subscription-based law firms that want to offer affordable monthly legal services. This way, they provide access to legal protection to more people, while still creating a profitable business model.
  • Get flat rates for repeat services, such as contract reviews. Instead of constantly guessing how long contract reviews will take, and therefore what the accumulated hourly bill will be, clients can sign up for contract reviews as their flat fee, monthly legal services.
  • Leverage a membership site, where you can network with other professionals in your industry, or create a support community with people who are going through the same challenging personal moment you are.
  • Receive discounts for additional services that aren’t included in the ongoing monthly legal services subscription.

Benefits of monthly legal subscription services

Legal subscription services may not be the norm, but for Kim, there are benefits for her and her clients.

“You have to take time to think through it and strategize, and then develop and test it out,” she explained. “It’s designing a healthier, happier, modernized law practice that clients want and attorneys want.”

Legal subscription services can offer unique benefits, including:

  • Generating consistent revenue. Kim pointed out that lawyers will know what they’ll earn each month because monthly legal services come with a regular flat fee. As a result, law firms can be more creative in their businesses, and set aside time for research and development.
  • Creating mutual growth. By developing an ongoing relationship, a subscription-based law firm gets to know a client better, learning their business needs and becoming a part of their team, according to Kim. This enables law firms to develop more accurate solutions for clients, improve their experiences, and increase retention and advocacy.
  • Driving scalability. As Allen Rodriquez, CEO of One400, wrote for the California Lawyers Association, monthly legal services that cost $29 a month, and get 50 new subscribers a month, can generate $15,000 a month “even when you consider attrition/churn rates … Our own data shows that utilization rates tend to hover around 25 to 30%, and most of our plans include software-provided services, such as a content library or document downloads.”
How to Run a Subscription-Based Legal Practice | Clio (2)

Challenges for subscription-based lawyers

Adopting a new model in an established field like law can be difficult, and legal subscription services are no exception.

Finding the ideal legal subscription service model

With the idea of legal subscription services being so new, Kim notes that many people may worry about financial issues—“They think it’s maybe not profitable, afraid of under-pricing themselves”—or they don’t understand how the process works.

Indeed, developing the right business model for your subscription-based law firm and for potential clients is a complex process. It depends on numerous factors such as location, ethics rules, your practice area, and your clients’ needs. As Kim said, “It takes time to think through the model, what that ideal subscription plan looks like, and how you implement the technology.”

Overcoming client hesitations

Taking the leap with a new, unfamiliar process, such as subscription-based, monthly legal service, can be scary. While most clients don’t love billable hours, it’s what they know. “I think most people were surprised that this [model] even existed,” Kim explained, “They’re like, ‘I don’t understand: How do I work with an attorney like that? I’m just used to either paying by the hour or just this large fee, or some type of payment plan.’”

Shifting to a modern mindset

Coming from a traditional, risk-averse world, “some of the biggest impediments or roadblocks are mindset,” Kim noted. “When you hear ‘legal subscription services,’ you think, ‘How does that apply? How does that really work with my clients? My clients don’t know that, they will never want that.’ That’s not because we know that, it’s just our mindset.”

Focus on providing a client-centered experience to make monthly legal services work

Kim, who has a background in psychology, decided to build a practice that fit the life she wanted, and could give clients a better experience. “I thought, ‘There has to be a better way to work with clients, to design a firm I like, and to have more consistency.’ That’s when this model started.”

Here’s how law firms can follow in her footsteps.

Verify monthly legal subscription services are right for your firm

The business model of subscription-based, monthly legal services worked for Kim and her clients partly because it was a good fit for her firm. This enabled her to truly be there for her clients.

The American Bar Association (ABA) recommended you ask yourself and your team a few questions to verify whether offering monthly legal services is the right choice for you and your clients, too:

  • “Has your net income substantially remained the same despite years of struggling to attract new clients?”
  • “Are your clients always contacting you in crisis mode?”
  • “Are you finding yourself strangled by the billable hour?”

As ABA explains, offering legal subscription services gives you space to think more strategically about business development. It also allows you to step up the customer experience and quality of work you offer, because you’re not constantly chasing the clock and overworking yourself to increase your income. Moreover, when you provide monthly legal services, you work with clients on a regular basis. Therefore, you’re able to discover challenges before they escalate, simplify cost-effective resolutions for clients, and reduce emergencies that take you from loved ones, self care, and business development.

Define your audience and what’s included in your monthly legal services

When Jon Tobin founded Counsel for Creatives, his purpose was to “get legal advice and information into the hands of creative peopleat a price they can afford,” he explained in his article for Attorney at Work. “We knew we could probably offer a subscription that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per month, but that would not achieve the goals we set,” he wrote.

Therefore, Jon and his team decided to offer monthly legal services to writers, architects, fashion designers, app developers, and other creative entrepreneurs, at $95/month.

That led them to determine what to offer, such as Q&As, members-only content, and even unlimited phone calls and contract reviews. It also led them to determine boundaries, and the types of services they won’t offer.

For example, your law firm might decide that emergency or complex situations, that require more than a few meetings, aren’t included in your monthly legal services. Instead, they might require an additional payment.

Develop a holistic approach to your clients’ challenges

Early on, Kim focused her monthly legal services on clients’ needs, and not just the legal ones. “Legal is just one system that’s impacting [clients], and so if we think about what’s happening across their journey, we won’t only think about the legal issues—we’ll think about their experience, we’ll think about all the things that are happening in their lives that might impact their ability to work with us very well.”

From there, Kim found that the client-centredness of a subscription model made it easier to offer more well-rounded legal advice to clients.

“They’re coming to you to help them solve problems. But sometimes, as an industry, we’re not really great at explaining to clients when they have a problem or how legal might even impact their ability to think through issues that are popping up.”

How to Run a Subscription-Based Legal Practice | Clio (3)

How to educate clients on the benefits of monthly legal subscription services

Since monthly legal services aren’t the standard yet, Kim suggested lawyers begin by talking about this new business model—whether in the local community, at meetups, or on social media like Twitter. “Start engaging in discussions in communities that are thinking about innovation in legal, because a lot of that is going to be mindset shifts.”

When you engage in discussions, highlight what clients stand to gain:

  • Plan your budget with better predictability, and save money. The flat fee of monthly legal services means clients know how to budget for their legal needs. Sometimes, clients avoid contacting a lawyer in fear of costs. Sometimes things do work out on their own, and the expense is spared. Other times, they escalate, and so do attorney fees, since the issue is now more complex. But, even when the situation is approached early, and it seems easy, unpredictable complications can easily double attorney fees. Subscription-based, monthly legal services give clients the peace of mind that this won’t happen.
  • Get proactive legal services. Rather than waiting until they’re in a bind, clients can be proactive in understanding their legal options. “It’s before you’re actually in the middle of an issue or deal, hiring, whatever that is,” Kim said.
  • Enjoy a better customer experience, and leverage it for growth. As Kim explained, monthly legal services help build long term relationships between the law firm and the client. It helps the law firm understand the client’s needs on a much deeper level. As a result, it’s able to develop better experiences and better services, which ultimately help clients grow, too. This was one of the goals that Kim set for her monthly legal subscription servicesthat clients grow with her firm.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help in building a profitable business model

Don’t be afraid to ask for help with the unfamiliar. As Kim—who also offers a course for female attorneys building a subscription-based law practice—explained, “attorneys are terrible about asking for help.”

“In my practice, it’s been great to have coaching happening. Business coaching has been awesome, and I think more attorneys [should] embrace those types of masterminds, and other ways to support their businesses. Maybe that’s not your strength, and that’s okay. But bring on someone to help you.”

Drive innovation with legal subscription services

While subscription-based law may be challenging—for Kim, it’s rewarding. But there’s no cookie-cutter way to do it.

“I don’t believe there’s one type of a legal subscription service, and that’s something that I really try to tell people. You should build [your practice] based off of what you want to do, how you want to [live], the clients you’re working with … and then engaging the technology to scale it up.”

By putting relationships, values, and community at the forefront of your mindset, a subscription-based practice may be worth considering. Kim’s advice?

“If you’re thinking about being innovative and creative, just do it. It’s just taking one small step towards that, and there’s a large community out there that’s supportive.”

As an innovative attorney, Kim Bennett spoke at the 2018 Clio Cloud Conference. Register for the 2022 Clio Cloud Conference and join thousands of legal professionals from around the globe, in person, or at select conference sessions virtually, to discover new ways you can make an impact on the legal industry.

We published this blog post in April 2019. Last updated: .

Categorized in:Business

How to Run a Subscription-Based Legal Practice | Clio (2024)


How do you create a niche legal practice? ›

5 Tips For Developing A Niche Practice
  1. 1) Follow your passions. ...
  2. 2) Create a client profile. ...
  3. 3) Narrow your brand. ...
  4. 4) Set yourself up for referrals from other lawyers. ...
  5. 5) Market effectively to your niche target clients.

What law firm does Microsoft use? ›

Sidley partner Rick Cederoth in Chicago said his firm's national practice, trial acumen, and appellate expertise are what attract clients like Microsoft. Sidley's IP department and Microsoft's legal team have grown together since their relationship started in 1996, Cederoth said.

What is WIP in law firm? ›

Work in Progress (WIP) File Purchases for Solicitors.

How do I start my own law practice UK? ›

You must have been entitled to practice as a lawyer for at least 36 months within the last 10 years. This effectively means that only solicitors of at least three years post-qualification experience are entitled to set up their own firms. You need to have completed a 12-hour management skills training course.

What is the most profitable law to practice? ›

Trial lawyers are among the highest paid legal professionals in the world. Thousands practice across the globe, but civil litigators who handle high dollar, high profile and high stakes cases are the most highly compensated.

What makes a niche profitable? ›

For a niche to be profitable, it needs to give you something that you can sell. One of the best ways of finding a profitable niche is to see what's already selling in your chosen industry.

Who are Elon Musk's lawyers? ›

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan and Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom helped represent Musk.

What law firm does Bill Gates use? ›

Gates Sr., the attorney, philanthropist, and father of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.
K&L Gates.
HeadquartersK&L Gates Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
RevenueUS$ 990 million (2017)
Date founded1946 (Pittsburgh) 1883 (Seattle)
Company typeLimited Liability Partnership
5 more rows

Which lawyers do Apple use? ›

General Counsel. Katherine Adams is Apple's general counsel and senior vice president of Legal and Global Security, reporting to CEO Tim Cook.

What is the difference between WIP and WIP? ›

Work in Progress: An Overview. Work in progress describes the costs of unfinished goods that remain in the manufacturing process, while work in process refers to materials that are turned into goods within a short period.

Is WIP considered revenue? ›

WIP = Revenue > Invoicing

This is the opposite case from WIP and would involve the summary reporting value deferred revenue. This would be where you've billed for a project but haven't fully completed the work involved.

Is unbilled the same as WIP? ›

WIP and financial reporting

In a standard setup in Ajera, WIP is recognized as an asset on the balance sheet. The change to WIP in the period is shown as revenue (unbilled) on the profit and loss statement (also called the income statement), and, if applicable, write-offs.

How do I start freelancing in law? ›

Simple steps to become a Freelance Lawyer
  1. Step 01: Decide Your Legal Services. The first thing independent lawyers will do is determine what legal services their clients should get. ...
  2. Step 02: Register Your Services. ...
  3. Step 03: Administrative Tasks. ...
  4. Step 04: Network. ...
  5. Step 05: Get a Website. ...
  6. Step 06: Be Patient.
20 Aug 2020

How do I become a freelance solicitor? ›

A newly qualified solicitor may set up as a freelance solicitor, but only if they are providing non-reserved legal services. If you wish to carry out reserved legal activities, you must have practised as a solicitor for a minimum of three years since admission or registration.

Can you self teach lawyer? ›

The answer is yes. Many lawyers started out with no law degree, and some even dropped out of law school in the process. So if you aspire to be a lawyer, you don't necessarily need a law degree to fulfill your dream. In fact, about 60% of lawyers in the US were self-taught.

What type of law is most in demand? ›

Most in-demand practice areas
  • Commercial law.
  • Litigation.
  • Real estate law.
  • Intellectual property.
  • Family law.

What is the most difficult area of law to practice? ›

Criminal Litigation appears to be one of the most difficult areas of Law as it is really risky and requires expertise. You definitely cannot represent a client in a high profile criminal case if you don't know your onion in Criminal Litigation.

Which area of law is in high demand? ›

The main areas of law that are growing are cybersecurity, cannabis, labor, elder law, energy, IP, and health. These growth areas don't only affect new lawyers who are interested in transitioning to these eight fields.

What are the top 3 niches? ›

Top 13 Most Profitable Niches List That Really Make Money in 2022
  • Relationships.
  • Lifestyle.
  • Real Estate.
  • Gadgets And Technology.
  • Food.
  • Entertainment.
  • Pets.
  • Gaming.
22 Sept 2022

What niche is in high demand? ›

The most profitable blog niches for 2022
  • Digital marketing.
  • Blogging and making money online.
  • Health and fitness.
  • Personal finance and investing.
  • Recipes and food.
  • Personal development and self-care.
19 May 2022

Which niches bring the most richest? ›

These are the 10 most profitable niches on the Internet:
  1. Fitness and Weight Loss. P90X, Weight Watchers, the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Keto Diet… the list goes on. ...
  2. Health. ...
  3. Dating and Relationships. ...
  4. Pets. ...
  5. Self-Improvement. ...
  6. Wealth Building Through Investing. ...
  7. Make Money on the Internet. ...
  8. Beauty Treatments.
4 Jun 2020

What is Elon Musk's IQ test? ›

IQ 155. Elon Musk IQ, which is reported to be 155 IQ, is one of the most intriguing aspects because there is no official evidence proving the precise amount.

What law firm does Twitter use? ›

Twitter tapped Wachtell, Rosen, Lipton and Katz — an elite New York practice where partners earn about $8 million a year, according to Bloomberg. On Musk's side is another Wall Street power firm, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.

Does SpaceX have a legal department? ›

Seasoned attorney with 25 years of top-tier firm and in-house experience, including leading SpaceX's Legal Department, comfortable partnering with business teams in fast-paced, results-oriented environment to get things done.

Did Warren Buffett have a prenup? ›

He and Mr Warren are close friends and colleagues. The divorce papers also show that there was no prenuptial agreement before the marriage.

Does Bill Gates Own McDonald's fries? ›

Bill Gates uses farmland as investment vehicle, owning 269,000 acres of land. They own the soil where the potatoes in McDonald's french fries grow, the carrots from the world's largest producer and the onions that Americans sauté every night for dinner.

Who is Amazon's law firm? ›

12 Facts About Morgan Lewis, Amazon's Powerful Anti-Union Law Firm.

Is AI replacing lawyers? ›

In this way, AI is having a profound effect on the practice of law. Though AI is more likely to aid than replace attorneys in the near term, it is already being used to review contracts, find relevant documents in the discovery process, and conduct legal research.

What software do most law firms use? ›

  • PracticePanther Legal Software. PracticePanther Legal Software is a legal management solution for small to large practices specializing in areas including bankruptcy, personal injury, family, divorce, estate planning, litigation, criminal law and many more. ...
  • Clio. ...
  • Filevine. ...
  • MyCase. ...
  • CosmoLex. ...
  • Neos. ...
  • Smokeball. ...
  • Rocket Matter.

Why is WIP a waste? ›

The concept of Work In Process (WIP) – also called Work In Progress – comes from the world of Lean manufacturing. In Lean manufacturing, WIP is considered a form of inventory – the materials that are currently being worked. As such, it is actually considered “waste” because it ties up cash. That's right – WIP is waste!

Is WIP the same as CIP? ›

WIP means Wash-in-Place.

What is the difference? Even if there is no GMP nor legistlative distintion between CIP and WIP, however the general industry understanding on the terminology is that CIP means a totally automatic cleaning sequence with no manual involvement, whereas as WIP includes some manual intervention.

What is the journal entry for WIP? ›

A work-in-progress journal entry is a record that accounting professionals use to document current assets on a company's balance sheet. The items in this journal entry don't include any raw materials or finished goods.

Is WIP A asset or liability? ›

A work-in-progress (WIP) is the cost of unfinished goods in the manufacturing process including labor, raw materials, and overhead. WIPs are considered to be a current asset on the balance sheet.

Is WIP on the P&L? ›

Better yet, not only does WIP improve the Profit & Loss, it is also considered an asset on your balance sheet, which Warranty will count towards your business's financial strength.

What is the opposite of WIP? ›

Deferred Income (or DI for short) is the opposite of WIP.

What is the formula for calculating WIP? ›

To calculate the WIP precisely, you would have to count each inventory item and determine the valuation accordingly manually. Fortunately, you can use the work-in-process formula to determine an accurate estimate. It is: Beginning WIP Inventory + Manufacturing Costs – COGM = Ending WIP Inventory.

What is the difference between billed and unbilled? ›

Any credit you use after the billing cycle is called unbilled credit, and is charged in the next billing cycle. In other words, the unbilled amount in credit cards is the sum total of all the transactions that you make after the statement is generated.

Is WIP a debit or credit? ›

It is recorded as a debit to “WIP” and as a credit to “salaries/wages payable”. The salary/wage expenses related to the production within the reported period represent the direct labor amount.

How do I start an online legal consultancy? ›

3 Key Ways to Get Started With Your Lawyer Consultation App
  1. Research. Before getting started with your online legal consultation, you need to look at a few important aspects. ...
  2. Set up a business plan. To provide the best online legal services, you must begin with a clear business strategy. ...
  3. Set up your platform.
20 Aug 2021

How do solo lawyers make money? ›

Here are eight ways to start doing that.
  1. Stop wasting time with the wrong clients. ...
  2. Spend time getting better clients. ...
  3. Work smarter, not longer. ...
  4. Spend less money. ...
  5. Improve your client intake process. ...
  6. Accept credit card payments to get paid faster. ...
  7. Hire staff or use cost-effective services. ...
  8. Use technology to streamline your day.
13 Sept 2022

What is a freelance lawyer called? ›

Your freelance gig as a lawyer may also be called contract lawyering.

Do freelance solicitors need insurance? ›

Freelance Solicitors' Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) is mandatory for all practicing Freelance Solicitors as a requirement of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) when undertaking reserved legal activities.

How much do private solicitors make? ›

In smaller firms newly qualified solicitors can expect to earn between £25,00 and £40,000, whereas those who qualify into larger firms, usually in the city, can expect to bring in closer to between £58,000 and £65,000.

Can you work remotely as a solicitor? ›

Many innovative legal professionals and law firms are already successfully working remotely.

Did Kim Kardashian pass the bar? ›

"This was the last time I could ever take it, so if I don't [pass] then this law school journey is over for me." Kim had previously failed the test three times, but the fourth time proved to be the charm. "I passed!" she exclaimed. "Is this real?

Can you call yourself a lawyer without passing the bar? ›

In the U.S., the only requirement for calling oneself a lawyer is that they graduated law school. They do not have to pass a bar exam or be admitted to a state bar. An attorney, however, has passed a bar exam and is licensed to practice law in some jurisdiction.

Can I practice law without a degree? ›

Without having a law degree it is not possible to practice law in India. Bar council examination is for law degree holders only. One is not allowed to take the exam without first having a law degree. Please read the Advocates Act for further information and do not believe the misleading opinions of non-lawyers.

How do you form a niche? ›

What is a niche strategy?
  1. Select your target audience. To identify your niche, begin by selecting the general market. ...
  2. Define an unmet or underserved need. ...
  3. Research your customer base. ...
  4. Create your business plan. ...
  5. Market your business to your specific audience.

How do you set a niche? ›

How to Find a Niche Market
  1. Reflect on your passions and interests.
  2. Identify customers' problems and needs.
  3. Research the competition.
  4. Define your niche and its profitability.
  5. Test your product or service.
15 Apr 2021

What does niche mean in law? ›

Copy. Niche means an individual compartment in a columbarium for the entombment of cremated human remains. Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3. Based on 24 documents.

What is a niche area of law? ›

Developing a niche could be a type of law (like employment or criminal defense), a particular industry (like energy or insurance), or even a particular statute or legal concern (like privacy or the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act).

What are the 4 types of niche? ›

Types of Ecological Niche
  • Habitat or Spatial Niche.
  • Trophic Niche.
  • Hypervolume Niche.

What are 3 categories of a niche? ›

What are types of niches?
  • Spatial or habitat niche – is the physical area within the habitat that a species occupied.
  • Trophic niche- is the trophic level occupied by the species in the food chain or ecological chain.
  • Multidimensional niche – consists of the concept of fundamental niche and the limiting factors.

What is the best niche for beginners? ›

The 14 Best Blogging Niches for Beginners
  1. Technology. With the new and emerging technology trends, billions of people love reading tech blogs. ...
  2. Health and Wellness. ...
  3. Career Advice. ...
  4. Education. ...
  5. Food. ...
  6. 6. Entertainment. ...
  7. Gaming. ...
  8. Finance and Investment.
4 Aug 2022

What area of law is most in demand? ›

Which Legal Fields Are in Demand?
  1. Litigation. The process of introducing, planning, and executing a lawsuit continues to be one of the most important legal practice areas. ...
  2. Commercial law. ...
  3. Intellectual property law. ...
  4. Family law. ...
  5. Immigration & naturalization law. ...
  6. Real estate law. ...
  7. Contract management. ...
  8. Compliance.
23 Mar 2022

What does the J mean in law? ›

abbreviation for Judge, as in the Hon. William B. Boone, J. Jane Doe.

What is a Levi in law? ›

A levy is a legal seizure of your property to satisfy a tax debt. Levies are different from liens. A lien is a legal claim against property to secure payment of the tax debt, while a levy actually takes the property to satisfy the tax debt.

What is the least stressful area of law? ›

Real estate law, estate planning law, and intellectual property law are commonly cited as the least stressful types of law to practice.

What is the easiest area of law to practice? ›

Estate planning wins the most stress-free legal practice area when practicing law for lawyers. Many lawyers avoid estate planning as it is a field of law associated with death.

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.