Houghton Lake Resorter (2025)

Grow some pain relief in gardens and containers

Guest Opinion

By Staff | on July 25, 2024

By Melinda Myers Ease your way through the busy summer season with the help of some pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory garden produce. Add them to your garden or containers or purchase the produce at your local farmer’s market. Refresh and rejuvenate yourself with a cup of mint-infused tea or ice water. Mint also helps relieve headaches and general aches and pain. […]

‘Exercise your right to vote’

Letter to the Editor

By Staff | on July 25, 2024

For those who say they don’t plan to vote in the upcoming elections because they believe their vote doesn’t count, or because they don’t like either candidate, it is really a betrayal to all of those in our history who have fought and died so valiantly, for that very freedom and privilege. Every vote matters and does make a difference. […]

Urges ‘Yes’ vote

By Staff | on July 25, 2024

I urge the residents of Roscommon County to vote “yes” in the Aug. 6 primary for the Michigan State University (MSU) Extension (4-H) and Roscommon County Economic Development Committee millage. This six-year millage of 0.13 mills is crucial for maintaining vital services in our community that benefit youth, families and small businesses. MSU Extension/4H offers programs in nutrition, agriculture and […]

‘Exuberantly extravagant amount of money’

Letter to the Editor

By Eric Hamp | on July 25, 2024

Vote “no” on Gerrish Township’s $10 million mega million millage tax. Two million worth of needs with eight million worth of wants. Vote “no” and tell the township officials that $10 million is an exuberantly extravagant amount of money. Dan Hagle Roscommon

You can vote against the GLUA sewer project

Letter to the Editor

By Eric Hamp | on July 25, 2024

If you live in Gerrish or Lyon townships, the upcoming Primary Election may be the only chance to have any say whatsoever in the proposed sewer project. A majority of property owners have petitioned against the STEP (Septic Tank Effluent Pump) sewer system, but they were overridden by an archaic medieval system through Public Act 188 in which major land […]

Reward excellence in local government

Letter to the Editor

By Staff | on July 25, 2024

The Aug. 6 Republican Primary Election in Lyon Township is critical. The current board has advanced the township in many ways. Their attention to the matters that make residents’ lives better is greatly appreciated. Opposing them is a group, who have admitted, they will all require training to do the basic functions of the job. First, the current board expertly […]

Voters beware… new scam discovered

Letter to the Editor

By Staff | on July 25, 2024

Having an auto injury left me in a wheelchair status and housebound seven months ago. I am a voter and Grayling resident, so thought it best to request an absentee ballot to do my patriotic duty. But! Read on. I contacted my [Crawford] County clerk and promptly received my ballot, with full easy-to-follow instructions. The election being in the next […]

Democracy or autocracy – our choice

Letter to the Editor

By Staff | on July 25, 2024

Democracy works when leaders are accountable to the citizens they serve. The right for all citizens to vote fairly in elections is vital to the success of any democratic form of government. We in the U.S. are at a tipping point in an effort to preserve our right to choose our leaders rather than having our leaders ignore citizens as […]


Letter to the Editor

By Eric Hamp | on July 25, 2024

A letter to the editor in the July 18 edition, “There are alternatives,” should have stated, “This election for township officials is critical to the future of our community,” rather than include, “Lyon Township.”

Experience matters

Letter to the Editor

By Eric Hamp | on July 25, 2024

The upcoming primary in August pits an experienced Lyon Township Board with a group of newcomers. Julie Tatro demonstrated her leadership abilities when she served on the board as interim township supervisor. She willingly stepped forward in a time of need after the vacancy of the township supervisor occurred. Julie masterfully managed the township when they needed her effective leadership. […]

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Houghton Lake Resorter (2025)


What is the depth of Houghton Lake? ›

Houghton Lake has a maximum depth of 21 feet and an average depth of less than nine feet. Thus, Houghton Lake contains extensive shallow-water areas suitable for rooted plant growth. The shoreline of Houghton Lake is over 35 miles long and the shoreline development factor is 1.8.

How is the fishing in Houghton Lake? ›

The lake offers great fishing possibilities. Here you will find good fishing possibilities for walleye, pike, bass and bluegill. There are seven access sites strategically located around the lake.

What is the deepest spot in Houghton Lake? ›

The deepest spot is a small hole in East Bay that has been sounded to 22 feet (6.7 m), but it is rare to encounter depths of greater than 17 feet (5.2 m) in the lake.

Is Houghton Lake or Higgins Lake bigger? ›

Houghton Lake is Michigan's largest inland lake and Higgins Lake is the 6th most beautiful lake in the world.

What is the walleye limit on Houghton Lake? ›

systems (Houghton Co.): No more than 1 walleye over 23" may be possessed in daily possession limit.

Can you swim at Houghton Lake Michigan? ›

During the summer, the warm waters of Houghton Lake are perfect for swimming, boating, water skiing and fishing. Guests also enjoy barbecues and bonfires on the beach, beach volleyball and lounging on the shoreline.

What is the water quality of Houghton Lake Michigan? ›

Houghton Lake is just above the eutrophic concentration of 20 parts per billion. During ice-free periods, Houghton Lake is well mixed and temperatures in the lake are nearly uniform top to bottom.

What is the deepest inland lake in Michigan? ›

What is Michigan's deepest inland lake? Torch Lake has an average depth of 111 feet and a maximum depth of 285 feet. That makes it deeper than Lake Erie, which has an average depth of 62 feet and a maximum depth of 210 feet.

Can you swim in Houghton Lake? ›

During the summer, the warm waters of Houghton Lake are perfect for swimming, boating, water skiing and fishing.

What is the largest lake in Michigan? ›

Michigan has 1,148 lakes exceeding 100 acres, 98 lakes exceeding 1,000 acres and 10 lakes over 10,000 acres. Houghton Lake is the largest inland lake in the state, with a surface area encompassing 20,044 acres. Torch Lake is Michigan's largest lake with respect to total water volume with a maximum depth of 285 feet.

How deep is Higgins lake? ›

It has a maximum width of 4 miles (6.4 km) and a length of 7 miles (11 km) with a maximum depth of 135 feet (41 m). The mean depth is 44 feet (13 m) and the lake contains almost 20 billion cubic feet (570×106 m3) of water.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.